Provider Locator

No need for you to send a claim

GMS ID cards double as pay-direct cards. That means you can present them at most dentists and pharmacies, as well as health and vision service providers (such as massage therapists, chiropractors, optometrists and more). They'll make a claim for you, billing us for covered expenses and we'll pay the provider directly. No need for you to pay out-of-pocket and submit a claim afterwards!

Use the locator below to find health and vision providers in your area that accept the GMS pay direct card.

Please note: only benefits covered in your plan can be billed directly. There is no change to the prescription drugs and dental services already billed directly to us.


Sorry, no matching provider found.

This is a list of registered providers that accept the GMS ID Card/Pay-Direct Card. The inclusion of providers in this listing does not represent endorsement by GMS or the recommendation of any provider over another. Utilizing a provider on this list does not guarantee that claims will be accepted and paid.

If you are a service provider and would like information about options to participate for your organization, please call 1-866-240-7492.