Yes, in most cases we will provide a full or partial refund. You will need to ask for a refund by contacting our Customer Care Team at 1.800.667.3699 or
No longer coming to Canada? We will provide a full refund if no travel has taken place. Just make sure you contact us before the effective date shown on your confirmation document.
Becoming a Canadian? Congratulations! We’ll calculate your refund from the date your government health plan begins.
Returning home early? As long as you haven't made a claim, we’ll calculate your refund from the date you leave Canada. Please include proof of departure (ex. travel itinerary) when you ask for your refund.
Visa application denied? Please attach a copy of the visa decline letter when you ask for a refund. We’ll calculate your refund from the date we hear from you, and an administration fee will be deducted from the refund.